Oversite, direction and visioning are provided by a dedicated Board of Directors. Serving as volunteers, they provide steady guidance and wisdom in meeting the challenges of running a charity in the 21st century.

Craig Mosher
Founder, President and Managing Director
Mosher holds a Parks & Recreation Administration degree from Central Michigan University, is a local business owner, and has a 50+ year history of working with middle school age teens as a coach, youth leader, community education director, camp counselor, substitute teacher and mentor.
"The Right Tree name comes from the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve ate off the wrong tree -- the tree where our value comes from reputation or looks or income or accomplishments. We all need to be reminded to eat off the right tree -- the Tree of Life where our value comes from who God says we are."
He and his wife Barb are 30-year residents and of Elk Rapids, where their 3 now-grown children attended grades K-12. As the negative influence of social media continues to cripple teens, the need to creatively and proactively fight back becomes even more critical. "We have been seduced by the glitter of technology without understanding the trade-offs and our children are paying the price." His understanding of the value of phone-free face-to-face recreation and adventure-based programming coupled with altruistic community service is the cornerstone of Right Tree's efforts as they work to partner with the Elk Rapids community in growing capable, confident, compassionate teens.

Kelly Barry
Kelly Barry grew up in Okemos, Michigan. Her love for “Up North” grew during weekend and holiday visits. Now, she has lived in the area for almost 20 years. Kelly and her husband Tim own My Michigan Roots an apparel and adventure store in Elk Rapids. Whether it be paramotoring, kiteboarding, hiking or photographing beautiful scenery, they try to live life to the fullest. With 3 grown kids between the two of them they are able to travel during the winter months. Kelly is also a founding board member for DERA (Downtown Elk Rapids Association) a nonprofit organization that helps to promote business to the Elk Rapids area in the shoulder and off seasons and support small business owners.
Kelly has volunteered for Rightree in the past and saw the great need for support, love and guidance for young girls. She has a heart for helping and believes that as written, God has designed each and everyone of us with strength, dignity and without fear. In today’s society that can be hard to realize especially as a young woman/girl with few role models. She understands the importance and value of being connected to one another and leading by example. Kelly believes that girls are our future and it’s imperative they get out from underneath societal grasps of pressure, people pleasing and negative outlooks of one another. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Charissa Hayden
Charissa has been working with Right Tree since 2013, first as a counselor then as the Right Tree Summer Adventures Director and currently serves on the Board of Directors. She currently holds a Masters in Education with duel concentrations in Literacy and Leadership from Michigan State University. During the school year, she lives in Minnesota, where she teaches High School English, coaches debate, and serves as the head of the Girls United club.
"It's been an absolute privilege growing and playing alongside young women at Right Tree through the last decade. I cannot imagine having such a dynamic, empowering, and FUN program like this as a young woman navigating the complex pressures of the world."

Terry Starr
Terry Starr was a founding Board member of Right Tree in 2012. With a little more time on his hands, he is returning to help further the cause. He was a public educator for over forty (40) years; first as a teacher with Midland and Elk Rapids Schools, then a principal in Elk Rapids and finally retiring as Superintendent of Shepherd Public Schools. He and his wife Lynette are blessed with six children; Molly, Jesse, Miles, Josiah, Micah and Jamison. He and his family love the outdoors, camping, cycling, walking and anything that involves fresh air and movement; which is one of the reasons he supports fervently the mission, vision and goals of the Right Tree program and all that they aspire to do for today's youth.

Jeff Hawkins
Jeff Hawkins was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1954. He was ordained in 1980 to serve Lutheran congregations in Wisconsin and Indiana. In 2003, he founded HOPE CSA, Inc, a non-profit educational ministry for clergy continuing education and congregational consultation, an aspect of which makes use of his family’s small Indiana regenerative farm as the context for understanding and living in “holy health,” that is, health broadly conceived in its spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, interpersonal, vocational, and creational dimensions. “Few organizations take the whole-person approach to the health and well-being of girls as does Right Tree.” says Jeff. “Having known Right Tree founder Craig for over fifty years, and having watched his heart and soul take the shape of Right Tree, I consider it a privilege to serve on its Board and take part in its important work to give real help to an overlooked population.” programming coupled with altruistic community service is the cornerstone of Right Tree's efforts as they work to partner with the Elk Rapids community in growing capable, confident, compassionate teens.

Beth Pryde
Beth Pryde is a 24 year, long-time resident of Elk Rapids. She is the manager of the local Harbor Fitness gym. Beth is married to Scott and has raised their son Jonas and daughter Kyla in the Elk Rapids schools and community. Kyla spent 2 summers working at the Right Tree rental store, supporting programming of the Right Tree non profit. Beth has known founder Craig Mosher and his entire family for several years through church and community involvement.
“I was eager to join the board of Right Tree, knowing their mission, and the need for young middle school girls to feel confident, strong, and capable in a technology dominated world. I believe it’s a very challenging time for kids these days to be comfortable and confident being just who they are. There is way too much exposure and availability of inappropriate and harmful content through technology for middle school aged kids to process and manage. Right Tree provides an opportunity and environment for girls to work through tough situations with adult mentoring and peer support.”

Kristie Altonen
Kristie is married to Brian & has two adult children, Alec & Elise. She has a Bachelors Degree in Advertising/PR from & has previously held a Teaching Certificate in English/History both from Ferris Stare University. As a 33 year member of the Elk Rapids community, Kristie has served as an employee of Elk Rapids School in the Central Office & as a long term substitute teacher along with holding various volunteer positions on Lakeland Elementary PTO Board. Kristie was also employed by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church as a Church Secretary & as a volunteer Sunday school teacher. She also assisted Craig with his ER Community Education endeavor as well as serving as a Cherry Promotion Co-Director for the National Cherry Festival. In her free time, Kristie loves hiking with her dog, Maggie as well as boating with her family, reading/participating with her book club & joining in group fitness classes.
As a female business owner, a wife & mother & community member, I wish to provide a positive example for everyone & especially to young women. And I have always had a desire to give back & am happiest when I can be of service to others. Right Tree’s mission & passion for helping each individual girl find their true potential, their voice & their God-given gifts speaks to my heart & gives me the opportunity to serve.